Twitter 3.0 For Android Hands-On
This week the folks at Twitter have updated their many different platforms to bring about a new age in Twittering, one where the hashtag keywords and suggestions for the following of people who might be talking about what you want to hear are the heroes. There's a whole presentation video that goes with this update, and Twitter is making no small deal about how this update is meant to bring a lot of users back into the fold. So here's the mobile version on Android – have a peek at how this is the nicest version of the smartphone-based Twitter in the history of said platform.
You'll be able to see all your friends uploaded content, including photos hosted right there in the app, as well as big pushes for celebrity and featured Tweeters of all kinds. Real-time search shows breaking Twitter-based news, trending topics show what's popular in the hashtag world, and see what other people are talking about in regards to you with the Connect tab. With this goes a new aesthetic, blue, gray and black, and white make you know that this newest Twitter sits pretty with the web-based version also updated today.
Essentially what's been done here is some tweaking to make this version of Twitter fall in line with the rest of the updates on the other platforms. Twitter has had a pretty decent application on the Android mobile OS for most of 2011 now, this being simply an incremental update more than anything, even though it's numbered 3.0. You'll have a great time using this application if you're an everyday user, most certainly. Grab the app from the Android Market now!