Tweet-a-Watt tweets your energy usage
Well this is pretty nifty. During this recession, many people are looking for ways to cut back on costs, so you might be paying extra close attention to your electric bill. But knowing how much energy you're using can be hard to track. That's why there's the Tweet-a-Watt.
What on earth is a Tweet-a-Watt, you might be wondering? Well, it's a device that keeps track of how much power you're using and then posts a tweet about it on Twitter for you. So, that means everyone you know can just pop online to see how much energy you're using. For good or for bad!
The device is actually a Kill-A-Watt and an XBee receiver combined, allow you to keep track of energy usage and then post it to the web wirelessly. And the best part is you don't have to do a thing other than open a Twitter account. You can expect to pay $20 for the standard Kill-A-Watt device plus another $90 to turn it into a tweeting machine.
[via Coolest Gadgets]