TU Me iOS App Combines VOIP, Text And Social For Free
There's a lot of alternatives to traditional voice communication these days, but part of the problem with them is that they're all in addition to your standard phone calls and text messages. The new TU Me app for iOS attempts to combine all your communications into a single hub, for free. It's an admirable goal, and one that's certain to get the attention of Skype and similar services, since calling other TU Me users over VOIP is free for the time being.
TU Me essentially replaces (or more accurately duplicates) the iPhone's call center, instant message client and social network functions in a single app. It keeps you VOIP call log, instant messages, shared photos and location messages and the like in a single timeline view. It's not unlike Facebook's timeline or the news feed on Google+, just limited to your own personal contact. TU Me also includes an instant voice message feature that's sort of like a limited walkie-talkie.
The app is developed by Telefónica Digital, who says that the app and its features will remain free for the time being. It's limited to the iPhone at the moment (though you could presumably make VOIP calls with an iPad or iPod Touch on WiFi) and will be coming to "other mobiles" in the future. Let's hope that means Android, and sooner rather than later. TU Me requires account registration and verification via text message.