Toyota Reveals A New Three-Wheel Electric Scooter For Walking Areas

Electric scooters to help people get around are common in many cities and some large industrial environments. One of the biggest problems with traditional two-wheel electric scooters in pedestrian environments is the potential for accidents. In many areas, such as college campuses, two-wheel electric scooters are prohibited.


Toyota has revealed a new scooter specifically designed to be used in walking areas called the C+walkT. Toyota says it is a standing-type model that slots into the C+ Walk walking-area mobility series. The scooter will be offered for purchase at Toyota car dealerships or available at rental and leasing locations as of October 1.

The three-wheel battery electric vehicle has a low and flat base for standing that's only 150 millimeters off the ground. Its low base height makes getting on and off the scooter easy. Toyota built the scooter specifically for comfortable and safe use in walking areas and to facilitate site-by-side travel and communication with other pedestrians.

Its design allows the scooter to take up a similar amount of space as a single person and travels at typical human walking speeds. To help prevent collisions with pedestrians, if the rider isn't paying attention, it's fitted with collision and obstacle avoidance functions. Toyota envisions the scooter being usable by those who have difficulty walking or users who have to walk a lot, such as security personnel.


The scooter uses a brushless DC motor and is powered by a lithium-ion battery. Only the front wheel of the scooter is powered. Pricing is between ¥341,000 and ¥354,200 in Japan, putting it at over $3000 in the US. How far the scooter can drive per charge is unknown.

