Google I/O 2012 Extended To Three Full Days Of Fun

This year we saw the biggest Google I/O yet, complete with free tablets, free Chromebooks, and a few modems to round out the bunch – and next year promises to trump the entire past with today's announcement of an extension to three days. The event is usually just a tiny little thing with no more than a few large keynotes and some presenters, no big deal, (I'm sure some of you will have a heart attack and disagree), but next year promises to be a big bang to say the least. June 27th until the 29th is the time, and we'll be there to show off all Google ends up offering up.


We'll be seeing fabulous developer announcements ranging from Google apps to Android apps and everything in-between. Google I/O is going to be taking place at the Moscone Center West in San Francisco, California, and if there's one thing we know from past representations of the I/O event, we know we'll be seeing some freebies. The application to get in on this event will be popping up in February, and we'll be sure to let you know where to go when the time is ripe.

Google's Monica Tran lets us know that "That's all we can tell you for now, but we'd advise against making travel arrangements until then." So know this: keep your week open, but don't quite stick your cash in yet. You'll want to know that the Google Developers page over at Google+ to get all the updates you need or just stick with us here on SlashGear to find out what you've gotta know. Keep your noses clean until then!


