Too Many Cooks gets an 8-bit makeover

If you've finally managed to get "Too Many Cooks" out of your head, we apologize for this. The so-called "80's Sitcom Fever Dream" has swept the Internet after airing on Adult Swim every morning throughout the week of Halloween, and it has polarized viewers — you either love it or you hate it, there seems to be little room between. If you count yourself amongst the former of those two, prepare yourself: the segment has been rehashed into an 8-bit wonderland, hopefully not to the detriment of your future nostalgic responses.


Not familiar with Too Many Cooks? We've got all the details here, complete with GIFs for those who can't tolerate the video's 11+ minute run time. All caught up? This rendition is from Rush Coil, which trimmed it down to a trippy three and half minutes.

Too Many Cooks aired without any fanfare, appearing as "Infomertial" at 4AM on Adult Swim for what was seemingly the most random and amusing 11 minutes to grace the network. It was created and directed by Casper Kelly who dubbed it the "80's Sitcom Fever Dream", but has been quiet on further details.

Though shorter, the 8-bit version has all the good parts — Smarf, that serial killer guy, a theme song that works it way into your brain and threatens to stay forever. Check out the video above to see it for yourself.


SOURCE: Mashable

