Tim Cook notes iPad selling 84 million units since introduction

This week Apple has announced at their big iPhone 5 event that the iPad is doing better than any other tablet on the market and is out-doing every other manufacturer's entire PC lineup. That means that the amount of iPads Apple sells is more than any other manufacturer sells of every PC they've got on the shelves. They've announced that through last year they had a massive 62% market share and that, according to Tim Cook, "almost all of the Fortune 500 are testing or deploying iPads. And they're investing in custom apps. This is something none of them do on the PC."


The total amount of iPad units sold through June, Cook noted, was 84 million, while the number of iPad sold between April and June of this year was 17 million. This device, noted Cook, has 250,000 apps made specifically for it, while the iTunes Appstore as a whole has 700,000 apps. This includes number that bring the developer world to a great place, said Cook, "90% of the apps in that 700k are downloaded every month. The average customer uses over 100 apps."

With over 100 apps downloaded, on average, per customer, the iTunes market is booming. Apple made it clear that with 400 million iOS devices sold through June of 2012 in all, they're doing quite well in the mobile universe. Stay tuned to SlashGear all day long for more – specifically to our liveblogging portal for the best up to the minute!


