Tim Cook "Can't Live Without" His Apple TV

Apple represented themselves with Tim Cook speaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference this week, he speaking of the Apple TV saying that he simply cannot imagine life without it. In addition, Cook addressed the fact that he'd previously called the Apple TV a "hobby" saying that yes, it is a hobby, but that Apple doesn't do hobbies – saying that it's only considered a hobby because it's part of such a small market compared to the Mac and iOS markets. Mobile and desktop still reign supreme, ladies and gentlemen.


Apple does have an Apple TV box at the moment and there are rumors that there will be some sort of iTV in the future, but it's become apparent especially today that Apple does not have the same amount of power pushing into the smart TV world as they do the mobile and desktop world – it only stands to reason, of course. As Cook noted today:

"Apple doesn't do hobbies as a general rule. I can't live without [my Apple TV] – we've always though there was something there, and that if we kept following our intuiting and kept pulling that string, we might find something larger. ... Something that could go more main market for it to be a serious category." – Cook

Does this mean we're going to continue seeing string pulling through 2012? You can bet on it. Will the iTV be revealed inside the next few months? That's much more up to debate than the idea that Apple will stay in the smart TV business.


