This Is The US Military's Replacement For The Humvee
It's taken almost a decade, but the US Pentagon has finally decided on a vehicle to replace the aging Humvee, or, more commonly, the Hummer. Meet Oshkosh Defense's Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), the winning bid for the military's contract. Wisconsin-based Oshkosh beat out competitors Lockheed Martin and AM General (the makers of the original Humvee) for a contract that is estimated to be worth $30 billion over the next few decades. The first production run will see 17,000 JLTVs produced in 2016, priced at $6.7 billion.
It's hard to believe anything could put the original military-use Humvee to shame, but Oshkosh's JLTV manages to make it look easy. With several configurations, including two- and four-seat variants, the vehicle features more armor and more off-road capabilities.

For starters, the vehicle is resistant to mines, has IED detection, and options for a top-mounted turret or missile launcher. The suspension can be lowered or raised electronically, with up to 20-inches of wheel travel when off-road in the field. Plus, it's said to be 70% faster than the market's leading tactical wheeled vehicle (TWV).
The initial $30 billion is estimated to see 54,600 JLTVs produced in the coming years, with 49,100 going the Army and another 5,500 for the Marines. However, that is likely just the tip of the iceberg, as Oshkosh's vehicle is intended to replace the Humvee, which saw roughly 280,000 unit produced since its introduction in 1984. There's still no word on when we'll see a consumer model available in colors like red or yellow.
SOURCE Oshkosh Defense
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