This espresso machine is made from concrete (and it's not the first)

No doubt included on the list of appliances you won't want to transport often is a new espresso machine called the 'AnZa,' one created by designers in California who position the appliance as something like a kitchen sculpture. The appliance would match well with both modern home interiors and grungy, dark warehouse-style apartments. One would be tempted to think this model is unique, but it's not.


The AnZa espresso machine was made by design studio Montaag and an espresso repair shop (apparently those exist), the end result being a casual appliance made of everyday materials in a decidedly non-typical way. The bulk of AnZa is made with rough gray concrete, while the other components include Corian, wood, glass, brass, and steel.

The team behind the espresso machine explain that AnZa is the result of both a 'passion for good coffee and boredom.' The team also made a secondary version of the machine, one made with additional Corian material rather than concrete as a sort of twist on the material (which itself is often found in kitchens as a countertop). In that case, the Corian knob is replaced with a brass knob.


Unlike some of these (literal) backyard projects, the team plans to launch AnZa for the public, at least the crowdfunding-friendly public, via Kickstarter. That campaign won't go live until some time next year, and there's no indication of how much your own model may cost. As well, there's no word on how heavy the concrete version of AnZa is.

As mentioned, this isn't the first time we've seen an espresso machine that is made from concrete. Way back in 2010, designer Shmuel Linski unveiled his own creation, a concrete-based espresso machine made from a Lavazza appliance. That model, unlike this one, wasn't made available to purchase.


