This bitcoin miner could end the GPU shortage

Cryptocurrency mining fever is behind GPU shortages and increased prices, leaving many PC gamers unhappy, but that reality could be changing soon. According to sources, Bitmain is planning to launch Ethereum ASIC Miner F3 with 72GB of DDR3 DRAM. The launch is expected to happen in the second quarter of this year, giving crypto-enthusiasts a new option for mining their favorite digital coins.


The information has cropped up from Chinese sources who claim Bitmain is working on the Ethereum miner now, but is currently facing some hardware shortages. Allegedly the F3 miner features three mainboards, and on each of them there are reportedly half a dozen ASIC processors.

Each of those have 32GB of DDR3 memory, or so the sources claim, which adds up to 96GB. However, the sources say the F3 miner will ultimately offer 72GB of DRAM, so the details are still fuzzy. Shortages involving the DRAM are said to be slowing down Bitmain's production, though the company is reportedly working with Taiwan vendors to iron it out.

The Bitmain F3 miner is expected to outperform many of the GPU-based miners currently available, but how much it'll cost isn't stated. Assuming the company works out its supply issues, sources say F3 will launch in Q2 2018. However, if production is slowed, we could instead be looking at a third-quarter launch. The company hasn't commented on this rumor.


VIA: 8btc

