The Pirelli Discusa DualPhone DP-L10
Pirelli Broadband Solutions has announced the world debut of its first dual-mode handset, targeting the growing FMC trend.The Pirelli Discusa DualPhone DP-L10, based on 3GPP standards, combines GSM tri-band capabilities with SIP-based VoIP via an integrated WLAN 802.11g interface, integrating cell phone technology with the added advantage of transporting phone calls over the Internet.Designed to switch between GSM and WLAN VoIP networks, automatically or by the individual user, the DualPhone allows users to enjoy the convenience of one handset that acts as both a mobile and a broadband cordless phone. Consumers will be able to make regular cell phone calls using any GSM SIM card or VoIP calls through a WiFi-enabled xDSL subscription.