The Pink Moon Rises Tonight: All The Details For Seeing It Yourself
Later on tonight — or in the early morning hours, depending on your location — the night sky will be illuminated by the first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Pink Moon. If you're hoping to see a Pepto-pink moon tonight, don't get your hopes up — the name refers to a type of flower that typically blooms this time of year, not the color of the moon itself. Still, stargazers and astro-enthusiasts will have a prime opportunity to get some nice shots of the moon in the coming hours.
Assuming you're located in the United States, you'll get to spot the moon in its full glory starting at 11:08PM tonight, according to If you're on the East coast, you'll have to wait until 2:08AM tonight to get the same look. If you can't stay up that late due to its being a school or work night, you're in luck — the moon will look full to the ordinary eye running through April 12.
Those on the East Coast will find the moon rising at 8:59PM by April 12, giving a bit of buffer time to see it in the dark but not so late as to disrupt sleep. If you're wanting to see it truly at its fullest, though, you'll have to tune in tonight or tomorrow night. If you're on the West Coast, though, you'll have to catch a look at the moon tonight to see it at its fullest, otherwise you'll have to wait for the next Pink Moon next year.
Of course, whether you'll be able to see the moon will depend largely on your local weather, as cloud cover will ruin any good opportunities you'll have. If you do miss out due to weather or schedules, don't fret — there are many notable moons set to happen throughout the year, including the notable Harvest Moon later on this year.