The Last of Us Part 2: watch 12 minutes of intense gameplay
During its E3 event this evening, Sony has kicked things off with an extended look at The Last of Us 2, a sequel to the hit 2013 game. The title was announced earlier today, but now we've gotten an actual look at the game...12 straight minutes of it, to be exact. The extended trailer shows both gameplay and thematic scenes.
Sony kicked off its event this evening with the gameplay footage during which we see a casual social scene involving Ellie, one of the main characters from the original The Last of Us. That quickly gives away to a violent scene — Ellie eliminating someone and then finding herself in a tense environment where she's force to flee or battle...or both.
NOTE: The gameplay below shows violent footage that some viewers may find disturbing.
The gameplay trailer doesn't reveal too much in terms of storyline, just enough to keep us interested. The game we're familiar with has obviously been preserved, in terms of both gameplay and style. The game is part of the action-adventure survival horror genre.
There are still many questions remaining, such as the timeline of the events we see above, but we can probably safely say that Ellie will be the main character of this installment. We know it'll be available for the PlayStation 4 and be a single-player title, but finer details like price and launch date aren't provided.