The Herald Says The Number Of Female Gamers Is Growing

For the female gamers this news won't prove all that shocking, however, I'm sure there are still a few male gamers who will be slightly shocked. According to the Sydney Morning Herald the number of girl gamers is growing.


In Australia 41% of gamers are female, and in the US 38%, this is greatly thanks to the number of music/singing games as well as games such as Sims. However, I assure you there are those of us that prefer to play WoW and even the games including violent fight scenes (those are actually my favorite, especially if zombies are involved).

The Herald predicts that if figures continue as they have been the gaming ratio of girls to guys will be 1:1 by 2014. Which means those of you in parts of the nation that seem to be lacking girl gamers, will hopefully start running into a few hardcore female gamers.

[via kotaku]

