The Dark Knight Rises 13-Minute Featurette Teases Story And Scale
There's not long to go now until the official release of The Dark Knight Rises. Early feedback surrounding the flick has been overwhelmingly positive, and over the weekend Warner released a 13-minute featurette for fans looking for as much info surrounding the film as possible. If you're worried that it will be filled with spoilers, then you can relax. There's some new footage in in the video to feast your eyes on as well.
The cast and crew of the movie detail what audiences should expect from The Dark Knight Rises, including the setup for the movie and the main source of conflict. Most of the footage can already be found in the various teasers and trailers, but there are some new shots to be seen, as well as some behind the scenes footage mixed in for good measure.
The most striking thing about the movie just based off this new video is the scale. Christopher Nolan isn't known for heavy use of CGI, using it only when absolutely necessary, and that's reflected in the huge sets that have been built along with the sheer number of extras cast for one specific scene. Needless to say, we're pretty excited about the movie. Make sure to watch the video above if you haven't already, and go book those tickets for the film to ensure you'll be able to watch it on July 20th.