Tales From The Borderlands: Finale Shown Off In Trailer
In a trailer released today, Telltale Games showed off Tales from the Borderlands – Finale: The Vault of the Traveler, the final installment of its game series. The game won't be arriving for download until October 20, at which point it will drop for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, Mac OS X, and PC. The next day, October 21, it will be released for the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One. Finally, on October 22, the game will be released for Android and iOS, covering the gamut of gaming devices.
The Tales from the Borderlands games have been rolling out steadily over past months; now that the series nears its end, Telltale Games says "all hell breaks loose." More specifically, the game character Jack finds himself controlling Helios' systems and he's pining to find himself as Kind of Hyperion – where he rightfully belongs.
Says Telltale, everyone is scrambling to get out of the space station before they, you know, die, and they're trying to "grab the final Gortys piece" to take to Pandora. The gamer will be tasked with helping get the team out of the corporate dangers, says the game studio, and maybe get rich in the meantime.
Aside from that, you can expect explosions. Lots and lots of explosions. If you're not caught up with the series, you can check out past trailers for previous installments in the timeline below.