SuperTooth Disco Twin and HD-Voice Bluetooth speakers go big for CES 2013

SuperTooth has announced a pair of new Bluetooth speakers. The models include the Disco Twin and the HD-Voice with the former being a pair of speakers offering left/right stereo and the latter being an in-car hands-free model. Both models are set to debut during CES 2013, however we have yet to see a firm release date for either model.


That being said, lets kick things off with the Disco Twin. This speaker, or more accurately, this set of speakers is designed to offer true right / left stereo. The speakers each have 16 watts of RMS audio power and feature double speakers in the front along with a bass reflex system in the back. Given each speaker is 16 watts, the total combined will be 32 watts. The Disco Twin speakers should be able to offer up to 3 to 4 hours of non-stop music playback or up to 10 hours of "moderately played tunes."

NOTE: Final photos of the devices will be coming soon, and we'll certainly be bringing you some awesome hands-on presentations during CES next week as well!

In terms of the HD-Voice, this one is designed for in-car use and will bring features to include the ability to announce callers in 12 languages as well as announce the battery level, connection status and GPS instructions. The HD-Voice will have a pair of speakers and a pair of microphones which sound help with the sound quality both coming and going.


The Disco Twin speakers will sell (in pairs) for $199 and the HD-Voice will be selling for $89. And in addition to SuperTooth showing off the Disco Twin and HD-Voice speakers during CES, the company will also have their other products including the recently announced Melody headphones and the Disco 2 and Disco hands-free car kits.

Have a peek at the timeline below to check our exciting history with the SuperTooth family and get an idea of what's to come!

