Stephen Elop Has Another New Job
After leaving Microsoft for a job at Nokia, then joining Microsoft again, Stephen Elop left Microsoft again to join another company. That company is Telstra. That's Australia's largest telecommuinications provider Telstra, a company that Elop is now a part of with a brand new (newly created) title as Group Executive – Technology, Innovation, and Strategy. We must assume that it'll only be a matter of time before the company is assimilated by Microsoft and Elop is given another leadership position which he will assume for less tan two years – that's sarcasm.
According to Telstra, Elop will "have responsibility for leading Telstra's strategy to become a world class technology company." He will be put directly under Chief Executive Officer Andrew Penn and his new home base will be "jointly in the United States and Australia."
According to Penn, "Stephen will immediately add major firepower to our team with his extensive and deep technology experience and an innate sense of customer expectations. He is a recognized international technology leader and strategist from across a range of global organizations."
This information comes from a press release sent out by Telstra, where they give very little information about what it is Elop will actually be doing. Telstra is the Australian equivalent of a company like Verizon or AT&T here in the United States, working with mobile phones, home and mobile internet, TV, and home phone services.
Below you'll see an all-Elop timeline showing largely the times at which Elop decided to leave or join various companies.