Starbucks Gold Card Offers Up Some Free Wi-Fi

If you tend to frequent Starbucks often, then you might be interested in the Starbucks Gold Card. Normally, we wouldn't feature such cards here on SlashGear, but this time, we can't help ourselves. After all, by purchasing the card, you can get two hours of free Wi-Fi a day.


When you buy the card for $25 per year, you will get 10% off of purchases, a free drink on your birthday and up to two hours of free Wi-Fi access each and every day at participating stores. Other cards have the Wi-Fi feature as well, but the Starbucks Value Card requires that you use it at least once a month to maintain that free Internet access bonus.

Without a card (or AT&T broadband at home) you will have to pay $3.99 a day for Wi-Fi access. T-Mobile also has an agreement with Starbucks for free Wi-Fi access.

