Starbucks Going Retro With "Table Sharing Signs"

Starbucks latest innovation isn't a new way to charge your phone, nor a way to wirelessly pay for your drink. It's a set of hand-written place cards made to encourage the sharing of seats. At a Starbucks in Ohio, signs have been hung and users have been encouraged to socialize with one another with "old fashioned face-to-face interaction." No word yet on whether or not this means Starbucks will encourage selfie sharing each time a successful interaction has been made (end sarcasm).


Starbucks is more than likely NOT meaning to compete with Tinder on this particular project. It's also not likely something that the company will take hold of on an international scale. We can't imagine "I have extra room at my table, would you like to share it with me" being a phrase most coffee-drinkers in the harsh morning weekday hours would be saying across America, much less across the planet.

The idea apparently comes from "another cafe", and was spread to Starbucks by a helpful patron who spoke with a barista by the name of Bresnan. As Starbucks suggests:

"As customers prepare to make their purchases they come across colorful cards displayed on the wall next to the pastry case. Each hand-printed card extends an invitation to share a table and conversatino. Customers have the option to pick up and post the offer on their tables if they're interested."


What do you think, is it time to put down your smartphone, close your laptop, and start a conversation with another happy frappe mustache owner?

[polldaddy poll=9055667]

VIA: Starbucks

