Soul Calibur Adds Another Star Wars Character To Its Roster

Soul Calibur is a title that rarely disappoints, and usually manages to excite gamers with awesome cameos from some of their favorite characters. The fourth installment is no different, this time tapping Darth Vader and Yoda to pull in Star Wars fans. Well it seems that they've decided to slip in one extra character from the Star Wars universe, and this one will be on both versions of the game.


As you no doubt guessed, you will have the opportunity to take control of Darth Vader's secret apprentice on both the PS3 and Xbox 360. Now fans will be able to settle the burning question that has been nagging at them ever since The Force Unleashed was announced. If his apprentice is so powerful, would he be able to defeat Darth Vader in battle?

I'm still sad to hear that you wont' be able to play as Vader and Yoda on the same system. I really think those two need to duke it out sometime.

[via PS3 Fanboy]

