Sony Teases Social Aspects Of PlayStation 4 With New Screenshots

Sony went official with the announcement for the PlayStation 4 earlier this month. During the announcement, Sony promised that the device would have cloud services that bring "everything everywhere." One of the big aspects of that everything everywhere is Remote Play and other features that allow players to take over for you in the middle of the game.


We also know that the PlayStation for will be able to stream games using technology Sony acquired in their purchase of Gaikai. Today Sony has offered up a couple screenshots highlighting social aspects of the new PlayStation 4. The screenshots are of various parts from the console's user interface.

While some of these screenshots were seen during the launch event, there are a couple that show the mobile interface between the console and devices like your smartphone. One of the social interfaces, which you can see here, shows a screen that reminds me a lot of YouTube where it appears user can share video recordings during their play sessions.

The PlayStation 4 screenshots also show the interface where you can share individual screenshots, video clips, or broadcast live video. That last selection will be popular with gamers who like to attract an audience.


[via Engadget]

