Solider in Afghanistan Uses Recycled Materials to Make Awesome Action Figures

PFC Rupert Valero, stationed at Khandahar, Afghanistan, has been using his spare time to build robots and action figures out of found recycled materials. He uses things like bottle caps, microwavable soup containers, yogurt cups, and even Dr. Scholl's foot powder containers to assemble his creations.In an interview with the blog Another Limited Rebellion, Valero said: "I love to improve 6" super-articulated action figures. I have an engineer's mentality, so nothing is ever perfect enough. So I am big on tweaking and at time breaking and rebuilding toys. The use of found items is based on what is available to me out here. Slowly, I have amassed more resources like paint and hobby tools. Assemblage has really grown on me to the point I will continue to build from found items." Continue after the cut to see more of his super-fantastic action figures.


Building the action figures has helped him to interact and connect with the local people, he says.

Valero's work is for sale in his Etsy store, with most items around $10-$20. You can also see more photos of his work on his Flickr stream.

[via TreeHugger]

