SOL solar-powered Ubuntu laptop arrives with 10-hour sun-juiced battery

Laptop battery life is something that we all can't seem to be happy with. No matter how long the battery is able to last, there are always times when we curse into the wind when we get that dreaded battery warning while on the road. However, a new Ubuntu laptop looks to solve those problems by coming with a solar panel attached to keep the battery juiced up without a power cord.It's called the SOL, and it's mainly for those in developing countries where electricity isn't all too abundant, but where there's an infinite amount of sunlight — a.k.a. another power source. The SOL can be plugged in using a traditional power adapter, but it's real feature is an attached solar panel that can charge up the laptop's dead battery in just two hours, giving it 10 hours of battery life.


Sadly, there's not a lot of information about the specs of the laptop, except that we know there's an Intel processor on the inside. The laptop will also come with WiFi and an optional satellite connector for internet access if WiFi isn't available. The machine will also boast an HD display, but the resolution hasn't been disclosed yet.

Further details will be revealed in the next couple of days, and while availability hasn't been discussed yet, it's said that Ghana will be the first country to get the new laptops, and they'll sell for around $300 — not a terrible price by any means, but also not that cheap. We could see these being excellent devices for volunteer workers in these countries, as well as being used for education.


VIA: Engadget

