Snapseed Photo Editing Software For iPhone Is Free For A Few Days

The gang behind the iPhone and iPod touch photo editing and enhancement app Snapseed have announced something you will want to take advantage of if you are tired of having to upload plain photos to Facebook and want some editing software right on your device. The Snapseed app is usually $4.99 and for the 72 hours that kicked off at 12 pm PST on September 20, you can download the app free.


The free download is the full version and the offer will end at 12 pm PST on September 23. The app allows the user to capture photos, enhance them with filters and effects, and then share the photos with different sites using gesture control inside the app. The app also has a lot of features other than adding filters.

It will allow you to tweak the photos with Tune image setting and Auto Correct. This will make the photos look better. On the iPhone 3GS, iPad, and iPod touch 3rd and 4th gen the app supports 6.25MP images. On the iPhone 4 and iPad 2, the app supports images up to 16MP.

