Smartphone accessory detects HIV and Syphilis within minutes

New ideas into the development of medical diagnostic tools and devices is nothing new in the world of technology. However the latest of these ideas is a smartphone dongle that can detect major disease markers such as HIV and Syphilis in as little as fifteen short minutes, just with a prick of the finger. Researchers at New York Columbia University claim they can now, for a measly $34, completely eliminate the need for current equipment that can cost anywhere in the region of $18,000.

The simple and effective dongle uses simple throw-away cassettes to run the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test which can quickly detect blood reagents of HIV antibodies and syphilis related treponemal and non-treponomal-specific antibodies. The user simply adds a small sample of their blood to a cassette, insert the cassette into the dongle, pump it a few times, plug it into the audio jack and then sit back and wait for the results. Sounds very simple, but after field tests in Rwanda showed that 97 percent of users would recommend it then it sounds like it does have the potential to be a life saver in certain global areas.

Team leader and developer, Professor Samuel K.Sia, Biomedical Professor at Columbia University, also stated that a full laboratory-quality immunoassay can be run on the device through simply coupling micro fluids with recent advances in consumer electronics. The main benefit being healthcare for the needy would become more accessible and cheaper for the public. Similar ideas such as ear examination attachments, quick snap ultrasounds, and even complex eye tests could be the future of medicine.

It is unclear on when this device will actually be available to the public on store shelves but with rises in health care costs and hospital bills, this may be the next biggest step towards protection from the spreading of STD.

Source : Gizmag