Slashgear to attend the AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour

If you are curious what's going on over at AMD and Microsoft, check back in with us a little later in the week. I'll be attending the AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour in Chicago on Wednesday.

A lot of different vendors will be showing off their goodies at the show. Aside from Microsoft and AMD, we'll also see the latest from companies like Seagate, Asus, Foxconn and more. This will be my first year attending, so I'm not sure exactly what to expect. I did visit the Intel/Microsoft Ready to Rock roadshow last November, so I would imagine it will have a similar feel.


I'll be traveling to the show next week, so I'll be slacking off on my writing duties. But don't worry, our other editors will be stepping in to fill my shoes, and I'll be writing when I can. If any of you are going to be attending, let me know. I'd love to meet some of our readers.

