Skype introduces Conversation Ads on audio-only calls
Skype has today introduced "Conversation Ads", commercials and features that will appear during Skype to Skype audio calls. The ads currently appear for those making audio only calls who don't have any Skype credit and have no subscriptions to the service. The company says that ads will be targeted in such a way that will help promote discussion while on a Skype call.
Conversation Ads do seem to have a limited deployment so far. As above, they only appear on audio calls, and only for users with the Windows desktop client. Skype explains the new functionality in more detail: "While on a 1:1 audio call, users will see content that could spark additional topics of conversation that are relevant to Skype users and highlight unique and local brand experiences. So, you should think of Conversation Ads as a way for Skype to generate fun interactivity between your circle of friends and family and the brands you care about."
The adverts take advantage of your current geographical location, with default settings also allowing them to leverage your age and gender. While you can opt out of the service using your personal details, you'll still be stuck with ads. Skype say the ads can be purchased in 55 markets, and that they'll be silent – while they might pop up next to a user's avatar during a call, they won't interrupt the call experience in any way.
[via The Next Web]