Skarp Laser Razor Gets Shaved By Kickstarter
It's not unheard of for popular crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to lay down the banhammer on campaigns that do make it past initial scrutiny. But so rarely does it happen that when it does, people take note. Especially when said campaign is one that gathered $4 million in a show of confidence. Sadly, Skarp's Laser Razor won't be shaving anyone's face or legs any time soon. Kickstarter has just suspended the project, citing violations of its policies requiring campaigns with physical products to have working prototypes already.
It is, to some extent, a way of saying that the Laser Razor could be a fake, without actually calling it that. For Kickstarter, the prototype that Skarp did show on its campaign doesn't qualify as a working one but perhaps a very crude work in progress. After all, while it did singe cut a few hairs, it didn't show the same precision and effectiveness of even the cheapest bladed razor.
If Skarp would have managed to deliver an actual Laser Razor product, it would have help revolutionized one of the most common implements of grooming. An eye-friendly laser would have helped do away with nicks and cuts while maintaining a proper trim. Say goodbye to painfully dull blades too, as the laser needs no replacement nor sharpening. At least for up to 50,000 hours of accumulated use. All you'll have to worry about is having enough AAA batteries in your luggage, something that users of electric shavers have mastered.
It is an unfortunate turn of events, at least for true believers, a group that consist of nearly 21,000 backers who ponied up more than $4 million for it. It appears there is indeed a great demand for such a long lasting gadget. Perhaps all the more reason for Kickstarter to be wary. It wouldn't be the first time a project failed to deliver, intentionally or otherwise, and in one instance the FTC even had to step in.
Given the massive support, Skarp might be encouraged to seek help elsewhere. There are other crowdfunding platforms besides Kickstarter, and some of them have less stringent rules, for better or for worse.
VIA: The Register