Silver PAC SilverSTAT 7 advanced thermostat is all kinds of cool
I love the idea of a smart home. It would be great to be able to control the upstairs and downstairs thermostats from the couch and close the blinds when the afternoon sun is glairing in at the touch of a button. That really calls out to the lazy geek in me. I also like the idea of converged devices for the home that do more than one function.
Silver PAC has a slick new device called the SilverSTAT 7 advanced thermostat that allows for intelligent HVAC control with a smart home display and 802.11 WiFi connectivity. The device is thermostats that replaces the plain box with a knob or dial in your home and controls your HVAC system.
The thermostat is 7 day programmable and has an in-home energy display to show how much power you are using. When coupled with a new smart meter using IEEE 802.15.4 wireless interface the thermostat can give you details on how much power you are consuming. The thing has a 7-inch LCD and runs Windows CE 6.0 R3. It sports 64MB of RAM, 128MB of flash storage and has a built-in FM radio and speakers. It will launch in June at an undisclosed price.