Sign Up For A Merchant Account And Get A Free AK-47

If you have a store and you need a merchant account and have been thinking to yourself that you really need a new AK-47 to boot we have a seriously good deal for you. Over at you can sign up for a merchant account for your business and get a free AK-47. It's not like they are doing anything weird like sending the gun to you in the mail once you process your first transaction or anything.


They will send you a voucher that the account holder can take with them to any reputable gun shop and purchase the gun right then. The theory is you get a merchant account and a way to protect yourselves for the thieves that might invade your store. You also get special breach coverage insurance.

The deal brings with it insurance coverage for the expenses relating to some sort of security breach with their merchant account like identity recovery and credit monitoring. The amount of your voucher depends on how many locations you sign up. With one location and $100,000, you get a measly $50 voucher. Bring 15 locations and $1 million in annual volume and you get $750 voucher for the weapon. Epic cat of doom to wield the AK-47 isn't included. This reminds me of that promotion the Montana Radio Shack did a while back for a free handgun with a satellite install.


