Sellgino GS-200 'GPS Photo Tour' standalone geotagger

As image support on mapping apps becomes more common, photo GPS geotagging is becoming more popular.  However the number of cameras supporting the functionality out-of-the-box is still small, and that assumes you're in the market to upgrade anyway.  Sellgino Telecom have an alternative, however; their GS-200 'GPS Photo Tour' is a standalone GPS receiver and logger, that comes with software that will analyze your images and match them up with location data. 


The GS-200 relies on the EXIF data recorded by your camera and embedded in each photo taken.  Presumably by comparing the date and time it can match up where exactly you were when you took it, adding GPS coordinates and mapping your journey on Google Maps (or your choice of mapping app).  It'll manage even if you're well-travelled, too; Sellgino claim enough onboard storage for over eight months of GPS logging.

Using the 20-channel SiRF Star III GPS receiver, the GS-200 has a 1,000mAh rechargeable Li-Polymer battery, USB and audio.  It'll also double up as a USB handset for VoIP calls, and the (unspecified) memory shows up as a mass storage device and can be used as an external drive.  Sellgino demonstrated the product at the CHITEC 2008 trade show in China, and there's no word on whether it'll be available outside of the country.


[via AVING]

