When To MISS The Longest Lunar Eclipse Of The Century

The blood moon is upon us, and right now we're going to discuss how and when not to view it best. While we've got the times ready, unfortunate for most likely readers of this article, this eclipse won't be visible from most of North America! If you'll have a peek at the map of the world as provided this week by NASA, you'll find the extreme unluckiness with which the United States and Mexico and Canada have been cursed for this particular event.


This is the latest eclipse of the space-housed pair we call our own home (Earth) and our moon. This is the lunar eclipse, where the last eclipse we had was a solar eclipse. This means we're blocking the sun from the moon, whereas last time the moon was blocking the sun from us.

Because of the way the light moves through and bends around our atmosphere and planetary exterior, the light that hits the moon is red. This doesn't always happen. It's only when our planet Earth is in the way of the sun and we're looking at the moon, which is blocked from the sun by our Earth, that we see the BLOOD MOON.

This event is set to be the longest lunar eclipse of the century. It'll be a lovely four hours there, hanging in our sky, passing above us with high visibility (hopefully) across the whole world – except for North America. That's right!


In all places except for the place from which you're most likely situated will get an opportunity to view this eclipse. Have a peek at the map above and cry, unless you live somewhere cool like Perth, in which case you'll want to look out your window at around 3:30 AM local time. Those of you in the UK should look for this eclipse starting in at around 11PM (that's 23:00 hours) local time.

