Scosche unveils RDTX pro portable radiation detector for iPhone

This may be one of the strangest accessories for the iPhone and iPod touch I have seen in a very long time. Scosche has rolled out a new accessory called the RDTX pro portable radiation detector. The detector needs no calibration and claims to accurately detect gamma radiation above 60keV with plus or minus 5% accuracy. It plugs into the iPhone or touch via the charge and sync port.


The data the sensor detects is shared with an app running on the phone. The sensor also can also be used as a radiation alarm without being connected to the iPhone. The standalone sensor requires one AA battery for operating and will run for 96 hours. The associated app is called radTEST app and shows radiation in safe (green), elevated (yellow), and dangerous (red) levels. It also offers a digital display to show the exact radiation levels.

The level readings can also be shared using Facebook, Twitter, and Google Maps to scare your paranoid friends. The device will sell for $329.99 and will be offered in Tokyo starting in September. Scosche also notes that it will donate $10 for each unit sold to a group of charities that are helping the Japanese victims of the earthquake and tsunami.


[via Scosche]

