Schmidt On Motorola: "Products And Android"

This week Google held a Big Tent event at the Grove Hotel in Hertfordshire, speaking with their audience on all things digital – and perhaps most importantly: Motorola. Google's Eric Schmidt spoke up on Motorola specifically, letting the world know that it's not just going to be a situation in which Google dumps the company after they've taken their patents as it's been suggested. Instead there may well be some enhanced Motorola devices coming soon – and Android devices galore, of course.


This talk had several topics including copyright and pornography, believe it or not, but of course the inevitable question of what Motorola's future will be came up. It was a moderator who spoke directly with Schmidt asking: "Motorola deal, where's it going?" This question Schmidt answered in brief:

"We wanted a stake in hardware businesses, we closed as of this morning in Chicago, right now, so there's a meeting of the employees. As part of that we'll be announcing the things we'll be doing with Motorola. More investment in products and a lot more focus on Android and the tools even than they have today." – Schmidt

Thusly we're likely to hear a whole lot more soon! Meanwhile take a look at our timeline below to get more on the expanded story here with Motorola and Google as they merge in the summer of 2012 for real.


[via The Guardian]

