Samsung Included SwiftKey Predictive Keyboard In Galaxy S IV

Rumor had it that Samsung had integrated SwiftKey into its newly launched Galaxy S IV flagship handset, but nothing was confirmed. Now word has come from SwiftKey's co-founder in an emailed statement to Forbes stating that Samsung has, indeed, utilized the predictive keyboard, adding onto the myriad of other features offered by the smartphone.


This is good news for both future Galaxy S IV owners and SwiftKey alike, which, according to Forbes, is able to boast about a major partnership with a manufacturer for the first time. In other instances where it has licensed its technology, the company has been forced to keep quiet about the deals due to terms of confidentiality.

SwiftKey's co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Ben Medlock had this to say: "We are excited to confirm that Samsung has chosen SwiftKey's innovative keyboard technology to be at the heart of its flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4. This is fantastic progress for our vision of bringing the best touchscreen typing experience to as many people as possible."

For those who don't know, the company behind SwiftKey was founded in late 2008 by two Cambridge graduates, who went on to launch their popular predictive keyboard in 2010. The app works by learning the words commonly used by the handset's owner as he or she types. This allows SwiftKey to offer predictive functionality.


[via Forbes]

