Saints Row Gat Out Of Hell: The Musical

This week the folks at Deep Silver USA have released a magical teaser for their upcoming release: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. This lovely trailer takes the main characters from the upcoming title, making them sing. It's a tale of love, relationships, betrayal, and guns. Lots of guns. This game is a spiritual successor to Saints Row IV, going the only direction the series can go now that the Earth has been destroyed: downward – straight to H, E, double-hockey-sticks.


You'll see our main hero, the ultimate Saint, Johnny Gat, and his good friend Kinzie. You'll see Jezebel, daughter of Satan, and Satan himself. Together they share their thoughts, their desires, and their hopes and dreams.

Next you'll see the original Gat out of Hell release trailer from back this past August.

There's also a Developer Walkthrough available here:

And don't forget the Seven Deadly Weapons!

The game this trailer exists for will be released on January 20th, 2015. There it'll be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, along with a PC release through Valve's Steam.

