Rumor - Guitar Hero IV Due Out In 2008
Big news from the interwebs folks, according to a press release from some band in the UK, Guitar Hero IV is probably coming out this year! I'm sure that just completely blew your mind, as no one expected them to release a Guitar Hero game every year. Actually last spring Red Octane did in fact state that they intended to do just that.
I guess I'm in something of a sarcastic mood tonight, I get that way every time someone someone says that Duke Nukem Forever is going to get released. So, onto the good stuff. Apparently a band by the name of The Answer revealed that they were selected to be included in the upcoming GH title, which will be out by the end of the year.
I'm actually really excited to see what comes out, now that the GH franchise has a bit of competition. I've been almost completely converted, and with the seemingly limitless supply of DLC, (and the fact that Harmonix isn't just going to drop Rock Band and move on to a sequel every year) Red Octane has some tough work ahead of them.
[via PS3Fanboy]