Rock Band Weekly DLC - Blondie, The Clash And Sonic Youth

Today is Tuesday, which means that you somehow made it through Monday. Once you've done that, you know you can make it through the rest of the week, because we all know that Monday is the worst day. Since you survived yesterday, you'll be rewarded with three new tracks for Rock Band. Hit the jump for this week's DLC list.

  • Blondie "Hanging On The Telephone"
  • The Clash "Train in Vain (Stand by Me)"
  • Sonic Youth "Kool Thing"
  • This has to be one of the first times that a trio of songs has been available in a pack together without actually having some cool nickname. Oh well, these three master tracks will be available for the usual $1.99 per track (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) or $5.49 (440 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for the whole deal.

