Rock Band Coming To The Wii June 22nd

Rock Band has been one one of those games that has dominated more of my free time since launch than I care to talk about. Unfortunately for some, the game has been available on only the Xbox 360 and PS3. However, Harmonix has announced that the game will officially be available on the Wii in just a few short months.


June 22nd is the magic date for Wii owners. Like the other two versions, you will be able to purchase the game in a bundle with a guitar, drum kit and mic for $169.99. However, unlike the PS3 and Xbox 360, there will be additional controllers on sale at launch.

From what we know, the gameplay should be identical to the other two versions already out. The only two differences will be five bonus tracks not included on the PS3 or Xbox 360 and a wireless Guitar. Yes, the PS3 had a wireless guitar, however, the 360 did not.

