Rock Band Bundles Will Be Scarce This Holiday Season

I have little doubt in my mind that Rock Band is going to be one of the biggest titles of the holiday season. Unfortunately, you may have to fight for your right to get your very own copy.

John Riccitiello of EA has released a statement regarding the availability of Rock Band at launch, and it's not pretty. "This is definitely not a sprint. We're not going to be able to put enough inventory to meet demand in North America or Europe this calendar year or this fiscal [year]"


This is rather disappointing, but not completely surprising. We already knew that they've pushed back the release of individual controllers until sometime next year due to a shortage of stock. What's sad is that the fiscal year doesn't end until March 2008. Lets hope that they find a way to ramp up production soon.

Time To Start Worrying About Rock Band Availability [via kotaku]

