RIM Wants Blackberry PlayBook Hulu Plus Access

RIM launched the Blackberry Playbook not long ago and started sending the machines out to reviewers to spend some hands on time with. We put up our review of the Playbook last week and noted that the firmware was a wreck. Chris called the firmware "half-baked" at the time he wrote about the device. One of the bright spots was that at least for a while the Playbook users could access the streaming content on Hulu.


It didn't take long for Hulu to block access by the Playbook though and as of now users of the new tablet have no access to the Hulu streaming library just as iPad and Android users lack access too. On the iPad, the user can subscribe to Hulu Plus and download an app that will allow them to stream all of the Hulu content they want right to the iPad. The bad thing for Playbook users is that there is no app for Hulu Plus right now for them and they can't stream the free content making Hulu fun out of reach.

RIM has announced that it is in talks with Hulu LLC about getting access to Hulu Plus paid content on the tablet for the buyers to view. The Hulu Plus service costs users about $8 monthly. A RIM spokesperson told the WSJ, "We are in conversations with Hulu to bring the Hulu Plus subscription service to BlackBerry PlayBook users." So far, there is no word on when or if the Hulu Plus access will come to the Playbook.


[via WSJ]

