Researchers Say James Bond's Average Alcohol Consumption Put Him At Risk Of Impotence

In this day and age we all know that consuming too much alcohol is bad for your health. One of the greatest drinkers in all of cinema is James Bond. If you have ever watched a Bond film, you know he prefers his martini shaken, not stirred. Doctors have examined Bond's alcohol intake in Fleming's books and decided that the spy drinks four times the weekly limit of alcohol.


The doctors claim that Bond would be at greater risk of dying from liver disease or drunk driving that being shot by his nefarious foes. The study of Bond's drinking habits comes from the British Medical Journal. The study claims that the level of alcohol intake Bond has in the films would have given him alcohol-related tremors in his hands.

That would have prevented him from stirring drinks, explaining his preference for the shaken martini. The research team investigating the fictional spy's alcohol intake read all 14 of the Ian Fleming novels over six months to determine if Bond would have been effective with his level of alcohol intake.

The team found that the average alcohol intake per week for Bond was 92 units, four times the recommended amount. The most Bond drank in one day was 49.8 units. The researchers also noted that Bond had only 12.5 alcohol free days out of the 87.5 days he was able to drink and frequently drove over the limit. The level of drinking Bond maintains in the books would put him at risk of liver disease, cirrhosis, impotence, and other alcohol related health problems according to the researchers.


SOURCE: Telegraph

