PUBG's Savage Map Gets A New Name And Another Beta Test
Last month, PUBG players got a taste of the game's latest map, which had a working title of Codename: Savage at the time. This smaller map led to fast-paced, intense action, but unfortunately, it was only available for a few days as part of an experimental beta. There's some good news coming from PUBG Corporation today, as Savage will be coming back soon with another beta test, and this time it'll be sporting a new name.
As announced over on Steam, Codename: Savage has been renamed Sanhok, which is a rough combination of the Thai word for "fun" and the Tagalog word for "chicken." The map's new name makes a lot of sense when you consider that inspiration for its design was taken from the islands of southeast Asia. While some of PUBG's more hardcore players might prefer the "Savage" moniker, the PUBG team is thinking that this name will grow on players before long.
Sanhok will soon be playable once more in a new round of testing. This time around, you won't need to get a key and redeem it through Steam in order to gain access to the test. Instead, PUBG Corporation is opening up the experimental server to everyone who owns a copy of PUBG on PC, so if you missed the test the first time around, you should see the server appear in your Steam library soon.
This next round of testing begins at 7 PM PST on Thursday, May 10. It'll run until Monday May 14 at 4 AM PST, giving you a bit over 72 hours to play as much as you can. PUBG's developers will be looking for player feedback during this test, as we're beginning to close in on the map's actual release.
In fact, in that same Steam community post, PUBG Corporation says that the release of Sanhok is only a couple of months away. Whether or not we'll get another test on the experimental server is anyone's guess, but that suggests we're only several weeks away from seeing the map make its way to the PUBG test server. We'll keep an ear to the ground for more, but for now, make sure you get in some Sanhok games while you can this weekend.