PUBG's Miramar Map Comes To Xbox One In Large-Scale Test

Xbox One owners have been enjoying PUBG for a few months at this point, but one major frustration is that the Xbox One versions lags a fair bit behind the PC version. For instance, PC players have had access to PUBG's second map – Miramar – for months now, while Xbox One players have been stuck playing on Erangel, the map the game launched with. That's all changing soon, but ahead of Miramar's official release on Xbox One, the PUBG team is looking to put it through a round of testing.


Earlier this month, PUBG Corporation announced that Miramar will hit the Xbox One version of PUBG sometime in May. It also said that Miramar was going to go into testing before the end of April, and now it's ready to begin that testing phase. PUBG's developers have announced that Miramar will go live on the game's Xbox One test servers tomorrow.

Anyone who is interested in checking it out can download the PUBG Test Server from the Microsoft Store beginning at 12 AM local time on April 24. The test, as explained over on the PUBG forums, will be available for five days over the next week, but you won't have unlimited access to the test server during that five-day window. Here are the times and dates the test server will be live in both North America and Europe:



4/25, 4/26, 4/27: Servers available 5pm PDT through 11pm PDT

4/28 & 4/29: Servers available 11am PDT through 11pm PDT


4/26, 4/27, 4/28: Servers available 2am CEST through 8am CEST

4/28 & 4/29: Servers available 8pm CEST through 8am CEST

PUBG's developers say that some features might be unavailable during testing, and note that North American servers will be limited to third-person perspective (though that may change as the test rolls on). We're not sure if this is the only round of testing PUBG Corporation is planning for Miramar, but if it is, hopefully that means we're looking at an early-to-mid May release rather than one that's later in the month. We'll have more about that release date once its been revealed, so stay tuned.

