Psile Media Center Brings Customised Class To The Living Room

If you're in the market for a silent Media Center PC (and who isn't?), then you could do worse than take a look at Cool Tech PC's rather attractive Psile model.  Looking a little like a squat obelisk from 2001:A PVR Odyssey, this time shifting monkey-magnet features between half a gig and two gigs of RAM, a fanless motherboard with an Intel Core Duo processor running at up to 2.16Ghz and up to 500gb of storage space. 


Starting a $1,699 when fully Windows Media Center'd up with matching keyboard and mouse, Cool Tech PC will also point you in the direction of Netherlands-based NexusTek, who can customise the Psile with a skin of your choosing or, if you're feeling creative, one of your own design.  Shown below is a design called Birds on a Psile by Ontwerpwerk.

Psile Product Page [via CrunchGear]

