Pokemon GO Love Cup, free items, Johto Rocket leaked

There's a new Pokemon GO game code teardown available today thanks to the PokeMiners crew. The latest version of Pokemon GO contains a variety of items new to the game, including a GBL Cup – Love Cup, free items from sponsored gifts, reminders for Mega Pokemon, and a Johto Rocket Collection Challenge. This update also includes Pokedex updates to both Chespin and Exeggcute, POI submission updates, and notes about a "Mareep Day" and a Roselia Community Day!

Per the teardown by Pokeminers on The Silph Road Reddit this week, Mareep Day resources are in play. In said resources, it's clear that we'll get the long-awaited Mareep Day complete with Mareep attracted to incense at a rate greater than normal, and a special move. When Mareep is evolved into Flaffy, then Ampharos, it'll learn a move not normally available to this Pokemon. The new move will be Dragon Pulse!

POI Submissions will work with a much more user-friendly interface, including a readout of how many submissions you've made, and the amount of POI submissions remain pending upload.

Roselia Community Day will be delivered in the near future, complete with a "Stop and Smell the Roselia Ticket". You'll need that ticket to attain the "Stop and Smell the Roselia" special research. This event will take place on February 7, 2021 – we'll know more soon!

Sponsored items will soon include some "free items" in some cases. Per the update, the Open Sponsored Balloon Postcard Message will read as follows. "Enjoy these free items to help you on your adventure from [insert brand here]."

There'll be a new Mega Reminder in the near future, suggesting that users earn more Catch Candy from Pokemon in their Mega-Evolved Pokemon's type. As if you did not know!

Tiny baby updates were made for Chespin and Exeggcute. For Chespin, the Pokemon text now reads "Spiny Nut Pokemon." For Exeggcute, the text reads "This Pokemon consists of six eggs that form a closely knit cluster. The six eggs attract each other and spin around. When cracks increasingly appear on the eggs, Exeggcute is close to Evolution."

A new "Johto Rocket Collection" tag appeared in the game. This is a "Mini Collection" tag that included the date January 21 – so... good luck on that! We'll have better luck on guessing what we'll see next when it comes to the GBL Cup – Love Cup. The resource ID suggests a Love Cup is coming soon – what sort of Pokemon... seems... like it'd be a good fit for... Valentine's Day?