Pogoplug allows users to remotely access their external hard drives

The Pogoplug by Could Engines provides users remote access anywhere in the world to their external hard drive through the Internet. This small plug also allows you to access your external drive even from your home computer as a local drive.


Just plug the Pogoplug into an internet line and follow the simple setup instructions and you will be able to access your music and video content as well as any other files you may have through any web browser securely outside of your home with no need to configure or compromise your firewall.

The Pogoplug is designed to offer anyone a simple and affordable solution to carrying your hard drives around with you. Last year alone over seven million drives were sold in the US alone with numbers growing as the general public becomes more aware of the technology. This service also works with the growing number of iPhones and BlackBerry handsets as well as many other HTML web browsers. We are not 100 percent sure about the available date, but you will be able to pick up the Pogoplug for $99 when it does release.


