PlayStation Store Disabled In South Korea Pending New Law

Blizzard has run into trouble in South Korea in the past with certain game content coming under scrutiny, but now it looks like Sony is the latest to tangle with the law. The company has had to take down the PlayStation Store in South Korea due to the new "Game Industry Promotion Act." Starting from July 1st, it will be illegal for online services to ask those under the age of 18 to verify their account with a real name or date of birth.


As a result, Sony has removed access to the PlayStation Store in South Korea so that it can comply with the new law. Gamers need not worry about this affecting the PlayStation Network, with full multiplayer capabilities still in place, but additional content will be unable to be purchased or downloaded until Sony rectifies the situation.

It looks like the move only affect PlayStation 3 users, however, as the PS Vita and PSP stores will remain open. Still, losing access to content for an undetermined amount of time is never a good thing. Stay strong, friends.

[via Joystiq]

